Thursday, March 24, 2011

Child Care and the Economy

Has the economy affected your child care options, i.e. loss of job and your child care is expensive?  Tell us your story, we are listening.

CDCA is offering family education workshops... Give us your feedback!

Check out this link for the latest Grow & Learn Family Education workshops CDCA is offering. 
Would these trainings be of value to you as a parent?  If so, let us know.  If not, we want to know why, we value your feedback!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Diving into Diversity - Give us your thoughts

Here's a topic to give you a taste of our Diving Into Diversity Learning Connections Institute on April 30, 2011.   See more CDCA buzz on our Event Calendar...

The Normal Joy of “Princess Boy”
by Bonnie Shiller, MAT, CDCA Early Childhood Consultant

Oh, to embrace childhood with the joy and reckless abandon of a five year old boy named “Princess Boy”:  Imagination at its height and freedom of expression at its depth.  But sadly the world has mistakenly chosen to clash with a little boy and his family over this normal daily developmental phenomenon.  In early childhood programs the world over girls are playing with trucks, wearing cowboy boots and boys are wearing sequins and lace, high heals and tiaras.  My three year old son and his friend Justin would race from carpool to see who would be the first to enter preschool to reach the coveted “pocketbook” in the dress up area first.  In 1980 my five year old son asked for and received a play kitchen set.  There were adults who did not understand why one would get a boy a kitchen set.  There was speculation by those who misunderstood this that he would probably grow up with a confused sexual identity as a result.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  He grew up to be a happily married chef!